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January 2007

Gallatin County Weed District
Regular Monthly Meeting
January 4, 2007

Board members present were Linda Vrooman, Chair, Jeff Littlefield, Bob Hofman, Fred Bell and Craig Morgan. Joe Skinner was excused. Others present were Fish Wildlife & Parks representatives Fred King and Tom Greason, Keith Mainwaring (Property owner), Betty Biggs (Farm Bureau).

Introductions were made.

Selection of Board Chair. Bob Hofman and Jeff Littlefield were nominated for the Chair position. Jeff Littlefield was selected as Chair for 2007.

Minutes. The Minutes of the December meeting had been mailed to the Board and were approved as written.

Claims. The Decentralization process for Claims was presented to the Board. The Accounting Department requires two (2) names for approval of Claims and both entities need to be County Employees. The Weed District is currently staffed by only two (2) people. The Board approved Rosemary Perry (Secretary) to be the secondary approver. The names will be entered in the Eden Accounting program. The Board will still be apprised of the Claims and Budget information both through the Coordinator monthly Update and at the Board meetings.
The Claims were approved as presented.


1.      Assistant Coordinator Job Description. The Job Description was sent to HR for review, as an Enforcement/Education Specialist. At this time we have not heard back from HR.
2.      Strategic Thinking – Strategic Planning. Hengel stated that he would like to have the Board discuss the work strategy for the upcoming year at the next Board meeting. Jeff Littlefield asked that the list of objectives from last year be sent to the Board with the Minutes.
3.      Weed Summit Planning. The tentative Agenda was reviewed. Hengel will ask Joe Skinner (Commissioner) if he will make an opening statement. Vrooman, Hengel and Perry went to the Comfort Inn to check on the room capacity and set up. The room is smaller than originally thought however it will be set up classroom style in the morning for the discussion sessions and in the afternoon the adjoining room will be added for group discussion time. The Board would like a representative on each of the discussion groups. Bob Hofman and Craig Morgan will not be able to participate. Items for discussion at the Summit were set as Mapping, Small Acreage Landowner Assistance and Cooperative On-The-Ground Work Projects (Gallatin Canyon and Bozeman Pass). There will be three discussion/work groups set up in the afternoon, with each group having a leader who will present a summary of the discussion at the end of the program. Jeff Littlefield will be involved with the mapping program. Fred Bell and Dennis Hengel will be involved with the cooperative work project groups. Linda Vrooman will participate in the Small acreage discussion group. Agency representatives will be asked to RSVP and select preference for the work group they would like to participate in.


1.      Public Comment/Other. Keith Mainwaring asked the Board if they would like a news representative at the Summit. The Board felt that this would be a good move. Mainwaring will contact a reporter from the Belgrade News.

2.      FW&P Biennial Report: Tom Greason and Fred King presented the Biennial Report and Agreement to the Board. The previous agreement was signed in May 2003. There were two (2) bullet points on the previous agreement addressing perimeter control at Erwin Bridge FAS and mowing at Cherry Creek. These control measures will continue on the new agreement.  Greason informed the Board that FW&P has hired a Statewide Weed Coordinator, Joe Weigand. Weigand is based in Helena and is currently putting together a statewide WMP for FW&P. There was a lot of discussion regarding different methods of treatment for certain areas, fishing access sits (FAS), the two (2) State Parks and two (2) wildlife management areas within Gallatin County. Hengel reported that the Weed District has been doing supplemental (no charge) weed control at the Williams Bridge FAS and Four Corners FAS when the spray crews are in the area. Cobblestone, Drouillard and Grey Cliff fishing access sites are sprayed under the contract agreement. Greason reported that sheep have been used at Grey Cliff where the main weed problems exist between the campgrounds. There was discussion regarding weed control on unimproved areas of the fishing access sites and on the islands in the Madison River at Grey Cliff FAS. Greason remarked that they had released insects in 1989 on one island. However, once the Leafy Spurge infestation had been wiped out the insects either died off or moved and the Leafy spurge is recovering. Islands are a concern as configurations change with high waters in the spring. Hengel requested a cooperative tour of the FAS’s with Greason and of the wildlife management areas (WMA’s: Porcupine and Taylor's Fork) with Fred King this field season. Fred Bell asked about the "Adopt a Fishing Access" program. Greason informed him that it mainly addressed trash, however some user groups such as Fly Fishers have weed pull days. Fred Bell suggested that the Portable Undercarriage Wash Station could be used at some of these events as an educational tool. Bell also asked about the FW&P weed control budget and was informed that it is good. The Porcupine WMA is in good condition. However the Taylor's Fork WMA has not been inventoried at this time. King reported that USFS has a crew that he could possibly use to assist with mapping of Taylor's Fork. Issues with on the ground inspection and mapping of the Taylor's Fork area include high-populations of grizzly bears and wolves. The mapping of Taylor’s Fork initiated a discussion regarding setting up an interactive web site where the public could report noxious weed infestations. This could be a tool used by various agencies managing public lands to increase knowledge of noxious weed infestations. Littlefield remarked that the State of Oregon Department of Agriculture has a web site of this type. Linda Vrooman moved to approve the Biennial Agreement with the stipulations discussed. Fred Bell seconded and the motion carried. Greason will type up the agreement and present it for signatures.

3.      Chairperson Report. Jeff Littlefield thanked Linda Vrooman for all the work and time she put in as Chair of the Weed Board for 2006.

4.      Coordinator Report.
·       Hengel reported that he has resubmitted the Bylaws, review of the District’s Enforcement program and review of the District’s subdivision WMP's and MOU process to the County Attorney’s office. Included is the possibility of revising the MOU document to an Improvement Agreement for bonding purposes at final plat approval.
·       Hengel passed around a sheet of cost figures for displays for educational booths. There was a lot of discussion regarding prices and styles. The final consensus was that the Board felt that the District really needs a new display but would like to look at other alternatives before making a final decision.
·       Hengel also reported that there is a piece of Legislature being presented this year regarding Weed Law issues on State owned land (school trust). The Legislature (HB37) proposes allowing DNRC to enforce control of noxious weeds on their leased property.

5.      Great Rockies Sports Show. The Board set up a work schedule for this event.

Regarding promotional activities Keith Mainwaring informed the Board that he has a restored '72 Chevy Pickup that he is willing to donate for use at special events, parades etc. Josh Kellar (RC&D) is getting Zero Spread Banners for it.

The meeting adjourned at 2.50PM. The next meeting will be February 1st.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary